There is more to things than what you expect them to be and one of them would be Adobe Lightroom Classic Version 8 as it is one of the things that would really introduce you to a lot of different features. It comes from the family of Adobe Photoshop which is used to organize and manipulate images and developed in order to help for a lot of different systems such as macOS, iOS, android and a whole lot more of different systems. It can be used for a lot of things as well such as tagging, viewing, organizing images and a whole lot more.
What sets it apart from Photoshop would be the fact that it is an editing application but it is non-destructive which means to say that you get to keep the original image and the rest of your edits are applied and saved in a separate photo. Although it shares the same name as that of photoshop, it lacks a lot of things compared to it as well because it has a lot of doctoring properties that photoshop can do but it cannot do. Nevertheless, it is something to look forward to at the same time because it is something that would really make the most out of it as well.
If you are into figuring out more about these specific applications to see if you are going to have some use out of it, then you might as well consider it well and just have fun with it as well. There is more to things than what you can expect them to be and this is going to introduce you more to what it can offer to you in the long run of things as well.